Address: | Parish Office Address: 28 Ingham Road, West End or PO Box 1510, Townsville, 4810; Church Address: 270 Stanley Street, Townsville |
Region: | Townsville |
Telephone: | Parish Office: (07) 4771 4461 |
Email: | |
Parish Leadership | Fr Col Reinhard - Moderator/Dean of the Cathedral, Fr Jan Szweda SVD & Fr Gideon Awudi SVD - Associate Pastors: |
Sunday: | 10am and 5pm - Cathedral Church, Stanley St, Townsville; 8:30am - St Mary's Church, West End; 7am St Francis Xavier, Railway Estate; 5:15pm - St Joan of Arc, Magnetic Island; 8:30am St Joseph's Church |
Monday: | 7:00am - St Patrick's Church, South Townsville; 6:30am St Joseph's Church, North Ward (Adoration 7am to 12noon) |
Tuesday: | 7:00am - St Patrick's Church, South Townsville |
Wednesday: | 7am - St Mary's Church, West End; 6:30am St Joseph's Church, North Ward |
Thursday: | 7am - St Francis Xavier, Railway Estate; 6:30am - St Joseph's Church, North Ward |
Friday: | 7am - St Francis Xavier, Railway Estate; 6:30am - St Joseph's Church, North Ward; 12noon - Cathedral Church, Stanley St, Townsville (Reconciliation at 11:30am & a short period of adoration after the m |
Saturday: | 7am - St Mary's Church, West End (Reconciliation after the Mass) ; 5pm - St Patrick's Church, South Townsville: 9am - St Joseph's Church, North Ward (Reconciliation 9:30am-10:30am) |
Cathedral Parish - Sacred Heart Cathedral is committed to supporting the Safeguarding strategies of the Townsville Diocese. To view the current Risk Management Strategy and Safeguarding Policy please visit
Sacred Heart Cathedral Friday lunchtime Masses have commenced. This will be preceded by Reconciliation commencing 11:15am. There will be a short period of adoration after the Mass.
The first session for children in the Sacramental Program to be conducted at St Mary's have started with the Confirmation ceremony on Sunday 13 October at Sacred Heart Cathedral. Enrolments can be made through the Cathedral Parish office.
Details of membership of each of the three new Parish Mission Team is published each week in the Parish Bulletin. Members welcome feedback from parishioners.
- Parish Mission Finance - 20 August, Tuesday 6pm
- Parish Mission Council - 21 August, Wednesday 6pm
- Parish Mission Leadership - 22 August, Thursday 6pm
All meetings will be held at the Parish Office, 28 Ingham Road, West End.
A date has been set for the commissioning of the Parish Mission teams. There will be a ritual in the six churches in the Cathedral Parish on Sunday 6th October, followed by a combined celebration of all the Cathedral Parish on Tuesday, 8th October, and a final ritual back in the parish churches on Sunday, 13th October. This will be a time for the whole Cathedral Parish to celebrate its coming together as one parish. So please mark your diaries.
Cathedral Parish invites young men who are interested in discovering more about the priesthood contact the Parish Office for more information.
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a process develop by the Catholic Church for prospective converts to Catholicism above the age of infant baptism. For more details ring the Parish Office.
The next RCIA program have commenced last November 2023 with the session on Monday evening. This program is designed for adults wishing to be fully initiated into the Catholic Church with Baptism (if required), Confirmation and First Eucharist. Please contact the Cathedral Parish Office to enroll or for more information.
The movement of the Cathedral Parish Office to the Cathedral precinct is well under way. The staff in the Diocesan Centre have been busy moving offices to make way for the arrival of the Cathedral Parish Office. The actual date for the move is Wednesday 28th August (next week). The Parish Office at 28 Ingham Road, West End will function until the 27 August, Tuesday from 9:30am to 5pm. For all enquiries and bookings for Cathedral, please contact 47714461 or email:
Cathedral Parish is planning to develop a Visitation Group where a parishioner agrees to visit one or more parishioners who may be house bound, on a regular basis. Some already take communion to those who have difficulty in physically coming to church. Could you please advise the Parish Office.
Cathedral Parish is also planning to set up a Parish Family Group Program which will be aligned with the Passionist Family Group Program. The program plans activities which include all age groups with a balance of ages in each group. This program has been very successful in other parts of Australia and facilitates families coming together in a range of activities, always within a faith setting. We invite families who are interested to please advise the Parish Office so that we can keep them informed of progress. Leaders from Brisbane are willing to help and assist with the provision of resources.
Cathedral Parish runs a Facebook page. Our Facebook: Sacred Heart Cathedral Parish Townsville. We plan to place details of Parish events including what we plan for Youth Groups on that page. Parish announcements should also be available on that page.
A brief history of Sacred Heart Cathedral
In January 1892, the Church of St Joseph on the Strand collapsed into a small creek, which had become a raging torrent after a downpour, described as "practically a waterspout", struck Townsville. It was after this, and a series of other calamities, that the decision was made to build the main church in Townsville on the foundation of rock on Castle Hill. The foundation stone for the new Church of the Sacred Heart was laid on 7 October 1900 and the church was completed and opened on 16 November 1902. It remained the parish church until it was consecrated as a Cathedral in 1930, when the Diocese of Townsville was divided from the Diocese of Rockhampton.
To mark the 75th Jubilee of the Diocese, Bishop Michael Putney commenced the $3 million project to refurbish the Sacred Heart Cathedral. The Cathedral was closed on 1 August, 2004 and reopened 23 June, 2006.
Times available for bookings for weddings within the parish have been extended. Weddings ordinarily have been booked for 3pm on a Saturday. The Cathedral parish will now make times available for weddings on a Saturday, 1pm and 3pm. Weddings can also be booked on a Friday after 2pm. Priests will be made available from the Cathedral Parish to conduct these weddings. Couples are welcome to invite priests from other parishes to conduct their weddings if they so wish.
Musicians are the responsibility of the couple. Information on marriage preparation is available from the Cathedral parish secretary.
Please note that confetti, rice, flower petals or similar substances are not permitted in the Cathedral, St Mary's, St Francis Xavier, St Patrick's and St Joan Arc buildings or grounds.
Baptisms in the Cathedral parish can be arranged by contacting the Cathedral parish office. It is a requirement for the baptism of their first baby of this diocese that baptism preparation be undertaken by the parents of the child being baptised.
**Baptisms are held every Sunday in Sacred Heart Cathedral at 11.45am and 10am in St Mary's Church, West End is every 1st & 3rd Sunday of the month. Baptism Preparation are held at the Cathedral Parish Office, 28 Ingham Road West End on a Tuesday or Thursday at 3pm.
Funerals to be held in the Cathedral can be arranged through the Funeral Directors in consultation with the Administrator and parish office.
All costs for the use of the Cathedral are available upon request, by contacting the Cathedral Parish Office on 4771 4461.
SHC Parish Planned Giving Direct Debit Form
SHC Parish Planned Giving Credit Card Form
Parish Bulletin 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B
Parish Bulletin 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B
Parish Bulletin 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B
Parish Bulletin 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B
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