Stirred by the Spirit, adults seek meaning in their lives. The Catholic Church welcomes those who are searching through the catechumenate (RCIA) process. Based within a parish community the RCIA process is adapted to the spiritual needs and life journey of adults.
It is the process by which unbaptised adults and children over seven years of age are welcomed into the active community of believers in the Catholic Church.
The RCIA is also the accepted form of preparation for adults already baptised who seek full communion with the Catholic Church.
What is the first step?
Anyone seriously thinking about joining the Catholic Church or simply seeking answers to questions is welcome to approach their nearest parish.
Who can become a Catholic?
Anyone who hears the call of God and finds themselves drawn towards the Catholic Church. They may have been baptised into another Christian tradition, or never baptised, or been part of a non-Christian religion.
Why become a Catholic if I'm already a Christian?
Being a Catholic is very much about belonging to a particular Christian community. As a Church we have our own way of doing things such as worship, beliefs, teachings and practices, but at the centre of our existence is always Jesus Christ and our faith in him as Saviour. People join the Catholic community for a whole host of reasons - perhaps the sense of belonging to "a" church is the key, feeling at home in a community with these customs, beliefs and traditions.
How public/private is it?
You are inquiring about a lifestyle and that in itself is public. The community you are journeying with will want to welcome you, support you and pray with and for you. In addition, two or three people will walk beside you every step of the way. Discussion with your sponsor and pastor wil lensure that the form your journey takes will suit your needs.
How long does it take?
The journey is very much tailored to the individual so there is no set timetable. The length of time of preparation is dependant on you and your companions. it is not a matter of passing a test, but a discerning - through prayer and discussion - where your journey is leading you.
Come! Listen! Live!
With us in the love of God
We look forward to hearing from you...
For further information please contact your local parish or
Catholic Diocesan Centre
P O Box 6149
Townsville Q 4810
Phone: (07) 4726 3200