The Catholic Church welcomes those who are searching...

Are You Interested in Becoming a Catholic?

In the Diocese of Townsville there are 26 Catholic parishes. Those who are interested in becoming Catholics should, in the first place, make contact with their local Catholic church community. Most parishes have a programme for adults who are interested in becoming Catholics, called the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). The starting point for becoming a member of the Catholic Church is simply by talking to your local parish priest and/or the pastoral leader. They are best instructed to be able to listen to you and understand what God seems to be doing in your life. If you wish, they can then introduce you to the basic steps in becoming a Catholic.

What Can the Catholic Church Offer Me?

The Church in this world is the sacrament of salvation. She is the sign and instrument of the communion of God with His people. One becomes a member of the Church through Faith and Baptism. All are invited to come forward to become Catholics.

For further information please contact your local parish or Mr David Vella  (07) 4726 3200 or rcia@tsv.catholic.org.au