The whole parish - Christian Initiation is the privilege and responsibility of the whole parish. The community, through prayerful support and encouragement, welcomes and nurtures new members as they journey in faith into full communion with the Catholic Church.
The Bishop - As shepherd and leader of the diocese, the local bishop personally and actively promotes the process of pastoral formation for new members. He welcomes the new members by presiding at the Rite of Election and at a Mass of Thanksgiving after Easter.
The priest - The role of the priest extends across the various stages and phases of the initiation process. In particular, the priest presides at all the liturgical celebrations and is responsible for the pastoral and spiritual care of those on the journey and those accompanying them.
The sponsor - The parish family chooses a person to accompany a new member on their journey of faith. The sponsor, who is strong in their faith and commitment to the Church, provides an active and supportive role as a companion and guide.
The RCIA Team - Their role is to nurture God's work of conversion in each new member through pastoral formation and guidance. Drawn by the Holy Spirit, they are people of faith and prayer who know and love the Word of God and the Church's teachings. Their lived experience of the Christian life guides and prepares the new members to become aware of and to share the experience of God in their own lives and come to a deeper understanding of the faith of the Church.